This talk may be controversial - you may find it somewhat depressing. We'll get to that.
I'm going to come at this backwards:
First we'll just look at the footprints of caving. I'll explain why it matters in a few mins, so just bear with me for now.
Carbon Footprinting is measuring emissions from activities.
Done in CO2e.
Caving itself is pretty-much zero-carbon
Good data from Edelrid: Rope is 0.05Kg/m
Everything else is very approximate
Petzl do have numbers but unpublished
Used general nylon, aluminium, steel, PVC, neoprene numbers with some manufacturing fudge factors.
Much better in France (150gCO2e/kWh)
than Malaysia (750gCO2/kWh) (Factor of 5)
Gas process heat (180gCO2e/kWh) much better than electrical (500-950) (except in France, Costa Rica and Uruguay)
Ballpark-tastic: use Wook-based numbers.
Gear | Replacement time |
Crab | 20 |
Harness | 10 |
Oversuit | 4 |
Kneepads | 6 |
Helmet | 15 |
Stop Bobbin | 3 |
Battery | 5 |
Undersuit | 10 |
Annual embedded CO2e
Remember those numbers.
Individual Travel, one way
Ardeche Austria
Trains, coaches and 3-people-per car is good.
Planes and solo-cars aren't.
Gear footprint is small.
It's all about transport: cave nearby for reduced emissions.
CO2 was 278ppm 200 years ago. Now 404ppm and rising.
Takes 1000-odd years to get it out of the atmosphere.
Other GHGs matter too, (but this talk too short...)
Climate change problem has been understood for 25 years - nothing major has changed since 1990.
It is a cumulative problem.
What are total emissions and what atmospheric CO2 level do we end up at?
Copenhagen Declaration
(and Camp David, Cancun, Doha, Warsaw, etc)
Committed to 'hold increase in global temp below 2C, and take action to meet this objective consistent with science, and on basis of equity'
For under 2C, from IPCC:
Probability | 66% | 50% | 33% |
Gigatonnes CO2e | 1000 | 1300 | 1500 |
Probability | 66% | 50% | 33% |
Gigatonnes CO2e | 1000 | 1300 | 1500 |
Available now | 600 | 900 | 1100 |
= Years | 16 | 23 | 28 |
If poorer countries get some budget for development
(assume peak in 2025)
2°C mitigation requires (for Annex 1/OECD nations):
10% reduction in emissions year on year, i.e.
i.e Nothing like the 80% by 2050 of the UK Climate Change Act
And non-marginal reductions considered 'impossible'.
4C average is 5-6C over land, 8-10C in Arctic.
There is a widespread view that 4°C is:
... consequently ...
4°C should be avoided at ‘all’ costs
50% of emissions come from <10% of the people.
That's us
Mitigation is a consumption issue, not a population issue.
Nobody wants to hear this.
'growth' is sacred.
BECCS is assumed.
For policy makers the message is simple but uncomfortable
No, not yet, but it's not good.
Action from the rich (you) is necessary, and we don't like that.
Footprint yourself
Change your travel
Change your diet
Enerphit your house: 80% heating reduction
PV, Divest
Vote for people that take this seriously
Campaign, march, write, donate
Talk to friends and family
Do it right now, not next year.
This presentation borrows heavily from Kevin Anderson's excellent work.
Kevin Anderson - 'Evolution or Revolution' Kevin Anderson - 'The Ostritch or the Phoenix'