onsubmit="if (this.save.clicked) { this.save.clicked = false; var neg = false; for (i = 0; i < this.elements.length && !neg; i++) if (this.elements[i].name.search(/^Cred_/) >= 0 && this.elements[i].value < 0) neg = true; if (neg) return confirm('Really submit with negative credits (funds will be taken from accounts with negative amounts)?'); } return true">

Add a real-world credit/debit to a number of virtual accountsAdd a set of expenses to be split across a number of categoriespeople

Step 1: give a short descriptive name (e.g. "Purchase of bees", or "Cheques paid inJohn at TescoSession at Hilde's")

Step 2: when did it happen (enter as dd/mm/yy or 'today', 'last Friday', etc.)?

Step 3: what's the amount to be credited/debited?who's incurred what expenses?

Step 4: distribute shares of credit/debitdebt to the relevant categories/peopleaccounts below

Shares must be non-negative and can be monetary amounts, or simple proportions -- put "1" in two accounts and each pays one half


Virtual accounts:

Expense categories:


Step 5: any extra details?

onclick="this.clicked = true"/>